Motoring Art Website

The art of uk motoring artists

Blake Frederick Donald

Year working: 1908 - 1997

Well known Scottish artist who moved south to London whilst a child. Trained at Camberwell School of Art. At the beginning of the war started working with the Ministry of Information and the Daily Express part-time producing war posters and propoganda. Post-war as a freelance, his principal employers were the railway companies and he designed many striking posters. He also worked on Road Safety and The Autocar as evidenced by these front cover designs. By the 1960's he was making his living as a fine artist painting loose almost abstract town and landscapes. His painting style changed from the initial realism to the abstract of later work. His signature alco graduated from the pre 1950's upper case BLAKE with a hyphen either side to an upper case F DONALD BLAKE.

Further reference


Autocar cover for Autocar magazine March 1949. Lockheed advertisement.

Autocar cover for Autocar magazine July 1948. Lockheed advert, view of London Embankment.

Autocar cover 15 April 1954. Image courtesy of Stuart Middlemiss.